Saturday, October 22, 2011

#8: An Inspirational Story

We are humans. We experience downfalls, failures, rejections, and other obstacles. For me, these things are natural. In fact, I believe that these are essential things that we ought to experience if we want to be fully nourished and have a strong foundation in life. However, some people take these as burdens. When they fail, they don’t know how to stand up. From that, they make a lot of bad decisions for themselves. They tend to be pessimistic and think that the world is on their shoulders.

I actually first saw this video during the College Life Symposium held last July. Since that time, I have always been inspired with this man. He gave a simple yet powerful example of perseverance and determination. With no arms nor legs but just a “little chicken drumstick”, he was able to show the world that nothing is impossible if you don’t give up. If you do, you will never reach your goal and in the end, you will regret having not tried to stand up.

He illustrated an example by letting himself fall. He then let others think: if he falls a hundred times yet he doesn’t even try his luck again, there would be no way that he will get up from that position. But if he fails yet tries to get up again and again, he has given himself hope that he will be able to stand up again.

That simple yet powerful example of perseverance has allowed me to look back at those times when I was still afraid of failure. You see, when I was in my elementary years, I was used to having high scores in quizzes and exams. It was then in high school when I experienced my first ever line of 7 grade in my entire life. I sort of got upset about it for a few days that it even reached the point that I even considered myself a humiliation to my family who is always proud of my achievements. However, my parents always cheered me up by saying that I have to go on with my life. Instead of a failure, why shouldn’t I consider it as a motivation to do better in Geometry? With perseverance and hard work, I was able to increase my final grade by eight points (I’m not joking! My grade soared from 78 to 87).

I amazed me on how he was able to inspire others with all his disabilities. Being a normal person with complete body parts, of course I can’t inspire the same way he did. Being a normal person, the least that I can do is to be a strong person myself. I have to set a good example for them. I have to be good physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and most especially, spiritually. When they need help, I will be there to comfort them and give them advice.

That video allowed me to evaluate myself once more. I realized that I am lucky enough to be given complete body parts and enjoy life to its fullest. This video would be a constant reminder for me that failure is a challenge. We must face it to succeed and to become stronger in all aspects. If Mr. Nick can do it with his disabilities, why can’t I? Or in a greater prospect, why can’t WE?

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Confucius

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